great idea for a game
great idea for a game
Thank you! I am totally glad you enjoyed that little game. :)
A start button would help, when I started to press space the screen scrolled down, and I had to go back up and click on the screen, and at that point I had only 5 seconds left. It's only a small thing that has to be chenged.
Eh, not point really. Just wait 5 seconds :) Sorry, Its just that this game has long since changed----ive made so many changes, just not uploading yet
Edit: but yea, sorry for wasting 10 seconds of your life :C (no sarcasm intended)
I don't think animations are the most important thing for a game, the game is fun to play (even if it needs a pause button) and the idea of having to avoid to be seen is good. Fun to play.
Added a Pause button...thanks for the suggestion!
Joined on 10/15/13